OSCE helps to develop sustainable education system for judges

Capacity-building seminar for judges-developers of educational courses and programs on application of the European Convention on Human Rights (Convention) and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights (Court) was held on 27-29 August in Truskavets, a town in Lviv region, western Ukraine.
The training provided participants with a set of skills to develop courses aimed at protection of property rights, rights of internally displaced persons, refugees, persons undergoing extradition, deportation. They were also acquainted with case-law hierarchy and jurisdictional issues under the European Convention on Human Rights.
“The courses developed with the OSCE support address the educational needs of judges and are aimed at ensuring human rights protection in courts” - said Ambassador Vaidotas Verba, OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine.
The seminar is part of the “Safeguarding Human Rights through Courts” project, implemented by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine with the financial support from the Government of Canada.
A range of educational courses for judges, including distance learning ones, were developed with involvement of Ukrainian judges.