OSCE Chief Monitor calls for truce and restraint in southeast Ukraine

KYIV, 23 March, 2015 - The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission has observed intensified fighting in and around the village of Shyrokyne in Donetsk region which has led to further deaths and injuries, as well as displacement and damage to infrastructure.
“I call on all sides to stop fighting, respect all provisions of the Minsk package, and allow for the provision of humanitarian aid and access of the OSCE monitors to Shyrokyne,” said Ambassador Ertugrul Apakan, Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine.
“Both sides in this area continue to violate numerous provisions of the Minsk agreements, including those related to cessation of fire, prohibition of attacking moves, withdrawal of heavy weapons, and deployment of UAVs.”
Apakan further noted that all sides need to exercise maximum restraint as the civilian population is the main victim of these violations. “Many residents have fled to safer ground. Their homes and civilian infrastructure have been severely damaged,” he added.