Statement by Ertugrul Apakan, the Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine

PARIS, 24 February 2015 - "We welcome the determination of the Ministers of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine, who met in Paris today, that the package of measures agreed in Minsk must be implemented in full, without delay.
"More than 10 days ago we wrote to the signatories to make clear what is needed from them if the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine is to fulfil the task given to the mission regarding monitoring and heavy weapons withdrawal. This includes: what heavy weapons they have; where these weapons are now, and which routes will be used to withdraw them; and where they will be located after they have been withdrawn.
"The parties concerned still have not provided this information, and they need to do so promptly. Without this information, the SMM cannot effectively verify the withdrawal of heavy weapons.
"The SMM has already been monitoring the movement of heavy weapons for five months, but there is a clear distinction between this activity, which we will continue – and being able to report that these weapons are indeed withdrawn, and safely and securely stored.
"The SMM can monitor and verify this process in a credible manner. We look forward to being able to report that these weapons, which have caused such widespread devastation and displacement, have been indeed pulled back."