OSCE-wide Youth Forum Bratislava - Perspectives 20-30: Engaging Youth for a Safer Future
Organized by
The OSCE-wide Youth Forum in Bratislava is a flagship event within the Perspectives 20-30 initiative in line with the Slovak Chairmanship priority on engaging youth for a safer future. It provides a platform for young women and men and decision-makers to jointly discuss a vision for how a safer future in the OSCE area could look by 2030 and beyond.
The participants’ discussions on the current state of security in the OSCE area and how young people can contribute to sustaining peace and comprehensive security will be inspired by the Perspectives 20-30 Core Group of Experts, a highly diverse and motivated group of young women and men from across the OSCE area, who over the course of the year have been developing a ”draft vision for a safer future”. They will take the occasion to present this vision, which encompasses in particular the areas rule of law, peaceful societies, education, technology, environment as well as human rights and security.
The conference will start with a high-level opening ceremony in the presence of OSCE Chair and Slovak Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Miroslav Lajčák and the Director of the OSCE Secretariat’s Conflict Prevention Center, Marcel Pesko, followed by a plenary session. Young participants from all OSCE participating States and the Asian and Mediterranean Partners for Co-operation will then discuss their perspectives on a safer future in the OSCE area and beyond, in parallel working groups. In particular, they will focus on the core issues identified by the Core Group of Experts. Finally, a plenary session will close the event.
Young participants:
All delegations of OSCE participating States and Partners for Co-operation are invited nominate one young woman and one young man from their country, aged 18 to 29, to participate in the Youth Forum by 13 September 2019 (23.59 CEST). From this pool of nominees, the organizers will select one participant from each country with the aim of ensuring overall gender balance among participants.
Youth participants are invited to deliver statements in their personal capacity and will not be considered official representatives of their respective countries. Only nominations through delegations will be accepted. Interested individuals may directly contact their delegations (https://www.osce.org/contacts/delegations)
Participation is free of charge, and board and lodging for young participants will be provided. However, we count on the nominating States to arrange and cover transport to and from Bratislava.
Delegates of OSCE participating States and Partners for Co-operation are invited to attend the opening ceremony and the opening and closing plenaries. Delegates are expected to take the floor in the closing session only.
The Secretariat will circulate a registration form for delegates in due time.
Participation is free of charge, although all travel and accommodation costs should be borne by delegates.
Registered participants will be able to collect their badges at the meeting venue.
For more information go to www.osce.org/youth
In case of any questions, please contact Perspective2030 <at> osce.org