Mandate of OSCE Observer Mission at Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk extended by three months

VIENNA, 18 December 2014 – The OSCE’s 57 participating States today took a consensus decision to extend the mandate of the OSCE Observer Mission at the Russian checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk by three months to 23 March 2015.
The Mission was initially launched on 29 July 2014 following a consensus decision of the OSCE Permanent Council on 24 July, and was mandated for a period of three months. The OSCE Permanent Council took a consensus decision on 22 October to renew the Mission’s mandate by one month, and a consensus decision on 20 November again extended the Mission’s mandate by a month.
Under today’s decision the mandate of the Mission remains unchanged. Operating under the principles of impartiality and transparency, the observers will report on the situation, including movements across the Russian-Ukrainian border at the two Russian checkpoints.
The Mission remains comprised of 22 civilian observers, who will continue to operate 24/7 in teams, supplemented by a small logistic and administrative support team.
The Chief of the Observer Mission, Paul Picard, will continue to provide regular reports through the Chairmanship to the Permanent Council.