Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2017
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Based on OSCE Permanent Council’s decisions 1256 and 1265 from July 2017 on the dates, topics and agenda of 2017 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM), the 2017 meeting will take place in Warsaw from 11 to 22 September 2017.
On this website you can find more information about the Meeting, including information about registration and booking a side event. In the Resources section below you will find the following documents:
Agenda of the meeting, which lists the topics by day and time;
Annotated Agenda;
General Information;
Timetable of HDIM and Side Events;
Document Preparation Guidelines providing more information about the organizational modalities of the meeting;
Information for Civil Society providing guidance for civil society participants;
Side Events Information and Side Events Booking Instructions, which introduce the online booking system for side events;
List of hotels, Hotel special rates and Booking Forms to facilitate your stay in Warsaw.
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The meeting takes place in Warsaw, from 11 to 22 September 2017, with two sessions scheduled per day. Please consult the schedule in the attached Agenda.
There will also be side events organized every day by the participants of the conference (please see the side events section below). The schedule of side events will be available on this website prior to the event.
This year the HDIM will take place at a new location: Warsaw National Stadium (PGE Narodowy), Aleja Poniatowskiego 1, GATE 1, 2nd floor, 03-901 Warszawa.
Please consult the Map and Transportation document in the Resources section below for recommendations on how to get to the venue.
Participants wishing to attend the meeting are requested to register online at as soon as possible but not later than 12:00 p.m. (CET), Monday, 4 September 2017. Important note: online registration after this date will be closed. Registered participants will be able to collect their badges at the meeting venue as of 8:00 a.m. (CET), Monday, 11 September 2017.
ODIHR has enhanced the online registration system to facilitate the effective, meaningful, orderly and respectful participation of different stakeholders at the HDIM. Please consult the General Information document on the new details of the registration process.
Participation in the HDIM is free of charge, although all travel and accommodation costs should be borne by participants. The List of hotels, Hotel special rates and Booking Forms can be found in the Resources section of the HDIM webpage to facilitate your stay in Warsaw.
Participants will be able to access the venue only with a photo badge. Those who already possess a valid OSCE photo ID (including those used to access Hofburg) are requested to bring them to HDIM so they can enter the venue using those IDs. All other participants are requested to provide ODIHR with an electronic photo in passport format (size: 35x44 mm; format: jpg) via e-mail to, not later than Monday, 4 September 2017, 12:00 p.m. (CET).
Participants will have an option of collecting their photo badges at Warsaw Chopin Airport, where HDIM registration desks will be located at the terminal arrivals areas. They are advised to follow the HDIM signs after going through passport control and receiving their luggage. These desks will be in operation on 9 September 2017 from 9:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m. (CET) and on 10 September 2017 from 8:00 a.m. till 10:00 p.m. (CET).
Participants are also encouraged to organize side events over the course of the meeting. Side events provide an opportunity for participants to discuss issues that have not been fully covered during the working sessions, since only limited time is assigned to each of the topics. Participants wishing to organize side events are requested to register first, and then make an online booking at at their earliest convenience, as the system is based on the “first come, first served” principle. The booking period will be open at 12:00 p.m. (CET), Wednesday, 16 August 2017 and close at 23:59pm (CET), Friday, 1 September 2017. All bookings must be submitted during this period, and no bookings will be accepted after the final deadline. Additional information on the online booking system, including the terms and conditions, as well as instructions on how to book a side event, is available below, in the Resources section, in the Side Events Information and Side Events Booking Instructions documents.
For further information about the HDIM, please refer to the documents below, in the Resources section, or contact:
Organizational matters and co-ordination of the conference: Ms. Saida Manieva
at or +48 22 5200 659
Registration of participants: Ms. Anna Sierant at or +48 22 5200 627
Co-ordination of side events: Mr. Ireneusz Stepinski at or +48 22 5200 658