Elections experts discuss campaign finance at OSCE/ODIHR roundtable

Measures to enhance the analysis of campaign finance by election observers were the focus of an expert roundtable organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) on 9 and 10 April 2015 in Warsaw.
The roundtable brought together 15 experts from international and citizen election observer groups to discuss the new ODIHR Handbook on the Observation of Campaign Finance and promote its effective use on election observation activities.
“Issues related to campaign finance have a significant impact on the quality of elections,” said Beata Martin-Rozumiłowicz, Head of the ODIHR Elections Department. “Election observation missions can help identify ways to strengthen regulations and practice in line with OSCE commitments and other international standards.”
During the workshop, participants discussed technical aspects related to the assessment of legal frameworks for campaign finance, the implementation of reporting and disclosure requirements and the work of oversight bodies. They also discussed how to promote follow-up of campaign finance recommendations and to develop co-operation with national oversight bodies and citizen observer groups.
“ODIHR is providing election observers with a comprehensive framework for reporting on campaign finance,” said Richard Lappin, a Senior Election Adviser at ODIHR. “The use of the handbook by election observers will enhance the quality of observation and of the recommendations made on campaign finance across the OSCE region.”
The roundtable forms part of ODIHR’s continued efforts to improve its methodology and to increase professionalism in the observation of certain specialized aspects of elections.