OSCE supports states to stop proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
OSCE support to participating States to implement UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1540 on preventing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction was the focus of a security dialogue held at the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation in Vienna on 4 July 2012.
Belarus and Serbia, which have worked closely with the OSCE and the 1540 Committee to develop their national action plans and strategies on UNSCR 1540, presented their national efforts in mitigating the risk of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction at the meeting.
In their presentations Ambassador Branka Latinovic, Acting Head of Arms Control of the Serbian Foreign Ministry, and Vasily Pavlov, Senior Counsellor in the Department of International Security and Arms Control of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry, emphasized the complexity of addressing proliferation and the importance of co-ordinating efforts.
“Taking into account the complex and comprehensive nature of the resolution 1540, increasing the efficiency of its implementation can be achieved by studying the experiences of other states and international organizations, as well as through joint and co-ordinated actions, for which the OSCE provides a valuable platform,” said Pavlov.
Resolution 1540, adopted in 2004, imposes binding obligations on all States to put in place legislation to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, and their means of delivery, as well as to establish appropriate domestic controls over related materials to prevent any non-State from illicit trafficking. It also encourages enhanced international co-operation on such efforts.
“The success of the implementation of national action plan of Serbia will depend on our dedication, timely and effective fulfilment of the objectives and tasks defined as well as on further international support and donations. It is obvious that such an important project like the adoption and implementation of 1540 national action plan requires international support. The contributions made by the OSCE and the 1540 Committee were very effective as far as Serbia is concerned. We are expecting the co-operation to continue on this very important issue especially in the further stage of implementation,” said Latinovic.
Since 2010, the OSCE Secretariat, together with the UN 1540 Committee and other partners, is now assisting 10 participating States with the development of national action plans and strategies, and has been requested to assists further with implementation of the resolution.
The OSCE Forum for Security and Co-operation meets weekly in Vienna to discuss arms control, military confidence-building measures and disarmament.