Gaining a Digital Edge: Freedom of Expression
14 September 2016 (All day) - 15 September 2016 (All day)
Organized by
Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, OSCE Mission to Serbia, Center for Media, Data and Society of the CEU School of Public Policy, SHARE Foundation
A digital media and journalism conference for journalists, media lawyers and civil society in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe.
In its fourth year, the event will bring together journalists, media lawyers, government representatives, IT experts, academics, artists and human rights defenders from 14 South Eastern and Central European countries to discuss strategies for navigating the legal, regulatory, and technological challenges to freedom of expression in the digital environment.
The event will further strengthen the regional network of individuals and organizations dedicated to freedom of the internet and their international counterparts to ensure continued joint action, innovation and learning in the field.
Follow the workshop on Twitter using the hashtag #DigitalEdge, live tweets will be posted on @OSCE_RFoM.