OSCE media freedom representative presents analysis of draft media law to the authorities in Skopje, raises concern
BUDAPEST, 30 May 2013 – The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović, today expressed concern that the new draft Law on Media and Audiovisual Media Services would restrict media freedom in the country.
“There are a number of issues of concern in the current draft law, such as the risk of over-regulation and unnecessary restrictions that would apply to both online and offline media. If implemented, this law could limit media freedom in the country”, Mijatović said.
She welcomed the fact that the authorities are willing to consider comments and recommendations on the draft Law.
“I value the co-operation between my Office and the authorities in Skopje. It is positive that the period for public consultations on this draft law has been extended. I also hope that the recommendations in this analysis will assist in bringing the law in line with the country’s OSCE commitments and international standards on media freedom,” Mijatović said.
The legal review, commissioned by the Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media, was prepared by Prof. Dr. Katrin Nyman-Metcalf, a renowned international expert in media law. It includes a number of recommendations to the authorities.
Mijatović is currently in Budapest to speak at a seminar entitled “Would You Ban "Hate Speech"?, arranged by the Center for Media and Communication Studies, at the Central European University.
The full text of the legal review is available at //www.osce.org/fom/102135