OSCE media freedom representative concerned over treatment of journalists at Croatian public service broadcaster

VIENNA, 20 March 2013 - OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today expressed concern over the treatment of three journalists at Croatian Radio Television’s (HRT) news programme.
“I am concerned by the circumstances under which these journalists have been relieved of their positions within HRT,” Mijatović said. “This action can undermine media freedom in the country, of which the public service broadcaster should be a cornerstone.”
“I urge the Croatian Radio Television’s management to ensure that professional standards are upheld and that the rights of Denis Latin, Katja Kušec and Ružica Renić, are protected. I also call on the government and the HRT management to refrain any action that could lead to censorship and threaten editorial independence.”
The Representative has previously expressed concern over the treatment of journalists at HRT. See: //www.osce.org/fom/90347