Efforts to combat trafficking in human beings in the OSCE area: co-ordination and reporting mechanisms
The 2008 Annual Report of the OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings covers the work of the Special Representative between January and October 2007; its content is based on responses by the participating States to a survey questionnaire distributed by the SR in July 2007. It considers: 1) National Co-ordination Mechanisms; 2) National Action Plans; and 3) National Rapporteurs or equivalent mechanisms. These three elements constitute the core co-ordinating tools used by participating States to plan, organize and implement measures to combat trafficking in human beings.
The scope of the report does not include evaluation of the quality of individual participating States' implementation of these mechanisms.
A number of annexes complement the Report, offering, amongst other things: highlights of the 2007 OSCE Field Operations Survey on National Co-ordination Mechanisms, National Action Plans, and National Rapporteurs or equivalent mechanisms; an analysis and brief overview by the ODIHR on its activities and achievements in 2007 and 2008 relevant to the theme of the report; and a summary of the main activities of the OSR in 2008.
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