Press Statement of Special Representative of OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Sajdik after meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group on 16 January 2017
MINSK, 17 January 2017 – The Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office in Ukraine and in the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) Martin Sajdik made the following statement to the press after the meeting of the TCG and its working groups in Minsk on 16 January 2017:
“Hello. First of all, I would like to wish you a Happy New Year.
Last time we met on 21 December of last year. Since then, we have seen some positive developments in the peace process. In particular, I would like to express my satisfaction with the fact that water and electricity deliveries have been resumed in certain areas of Luhansk region, based on the August 2016 agreement between the companies Popasnjansky Rayonnyi Vodokanal and Dzherelo Novogo Zhittia.
Welcoming this achievement, I would like to stress that a sustainable coordination mechanism for water deliveries and their payment still needs to be agreed upon in the near future.
In the humanitarian field, I would like to commend the goodwill gestures from both sides regarding the exchange of detainees. At the end of last year, the Ukrainian side released 15 detainees and three persons, including two women, were also released in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Later this week, a video conference of the Working Group on Humanitarian Issues is scheduled to further discuss the issue.
I have noted with regret the recent shelling of a heating point recently installed by the International Committee of the Red Cross at the Stanytsia Luhanska crossing point which constitutes a violation of international humanitarian law.
In the political field, the discussion focused on the issues related to the so-called ’Steinmeier formula.’
As you remember, at our last meeting on 21 December, the Trilateral Contact Group issued a Statement on a renewed adherence to a comprehensive, sustainable and unlimited ceasefire starting on 24 December, 2016.
In this respect, I have to note that unfortunately ceasefire violations have still taken place, including with heavy weapons proscribed by the Minsk Agreements. However, the number of attacks has declined compared to the previous period in December 2016.
Disengagement of forces and hardware, the ceasefire as well as the security situation near crossing points have also been among the subjects of today’s debate. This proves that the protection of civilians is a key priority of our work.
Humanitarian issues are also a priority of the new OSCE Chairperson-in-Office. As you know, the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office has changed at the turn of the year. On 1 January, Foreign Minister of Austria Sebastian Kurz has taken office. As you know, he has already visited the conflict zone in eastern Ukraine in early January, mainly focusing on humanitarian issues. Today he is in Kyiv for further consultations. Afterwards, he will visit Moscow.”