Albania launches address system database, starts installing street signs with EU, OSCE Presence assistance

TIRANA, 10 December 2009 - Albania's new address system database, based on a digital map, was launched in a ceremony today. The database was created by the Interior Ministry and local authorities with the assistance of the OSCE Presence in Albania, with the financial support from the EU.
The new web-based address system will enable accurate registration of citizens in the National Register of Civil Status. It also provides for online searches of addresses.
At the launch of the database, Ambassador Helmuth Lohan, the Head of the European Union Delegation to Albania, said: "The modernization of the address system is an important step to improve the delivery of public services in sectors such as health, taxation, property, social security, education, the postal services, but also to facilitate court proceedings and the enforcement of rulings. I am proud that the EU funds, through this project, bring direct and tangible benefit to the citizens of Albania."
The Deputy Head of the OSCE Presence in Albania, Renate Herrmanns, added: "This is the first visible result of the work undertaken by the Interior Ministry and local government units and marks a step forward towards meeting the EU standards. Residents in Albania will now be able to identify their addresses, and the provision of basic public services can be improved, for example through faster responses in emergency situations."
Also during the launch ceremony, the Head of Presence, Ambassador Robert Bosch, and the Mayor of Saranda, a coastal city in South Albania, Edmond Gjoka, signed an agreement on the installation of street name signs to enable residents and tourists to better orientate themselves in the city.
The EU has allocated 2.5 million euro to the creation of the address system, and 1.5 million euro to the installation of street signs. Both projects are implemented by the OSCE Presence in Albania.