“Managing the immeasurable plurality of information online has become impossible without the support of AI. It is used to decide on what content is taken down, what content is prioritized or to whom it is disseminated. These decisions have a direct and significant impact on global peace, stability and comprehensive security. With such power must come responsibility.
We find ourselves at a crossroads. We must unite to find multilateral solutions for challenges to our common information space. Human rights must be at the center of the development and deployment of AI for online content curation and content moderation.”
Teresa Ribeiro OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
Artificial intelligence (AI) has a powerful role in shaping and arbitrating our information space – influencing what information and content we read, view, and share. This poses challenges and risks to freedom of expression and media pluralism, which can harm society, undermine democracy, and erode human rights.
This is a resource hub for policymakers and other stakeholders, to help ensure that digital technologies work to benefit society by safeguarding freedom of expression and media freedom. It focuses on platform governance and the use of AI tools for content governance. The Resource Hub contains information and recommendations, including a Policy Manual, Dos and Don’ts, and additional resources.

Policy Manual
Human rights-centric recommendations for States to ensure free speech safeguards for the design, development and deployment of AI.

Dos and Don’ts
Key guidelines to help policymakers design rights-respecting AI strategies and policies.

Research, podcasts, explainers, and other materials examining the effects of AI on online expression, media pluralism, and access to information.

Building capacity to address the risks of AI-based content curation and moderation to freedom of expression and media pluralism, and a range of other human rights harms.

Made to Measure
The interactive documentary illustrates how pervasive the collection of personal data can be, and how such information that is collected about us can be used to manipulate our opinions and expressions. The film was developed by the Laokoon Group (Hans Block, Cosima Terrasse, and Moritz Riesewieck) and co-produced with the OSCE RFoM, the German Federal Cultural Foundation, and other partners.

SAIFE Expedition
An interactive center stage for AI and free speech dialogue in December 2022, bringing together OSCE participating States and more than 50 experts from civil society, academia, OSCE executive structures, industry and partner organizations.