OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
Safety of Journalists

(OSCE) Photo details
The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media monitors the safety of journalists, particularly in cases of physical attacks, incarceration and harassment. She responds quickly and directly with the participating States and other parties concerned through diplomatic channels and public statements.
Aside from this, the Representative on Freedom of the Media also assists the participating States to further media freedom. In 2022, the Representative launched a new project. The aim of this project is to take stock of existing policies and measures in OSCE participating States to promote and ensure the safety of journalists, to identify persisting gaps and to develop recommendations based on good practice examples.
The project consists of seven roundtables, each covering another aspect of the topic of safety of journalists: (1) data collection, analysis and reporting on attacks and violence against journalists and promotion of journalistic work; (2) secure working conditions; (3) safety of journalists in conflict situations; (4) intersectional perspectives; (5) digital safety; (6) legal harassment; (7) police prevention and fight against impunity.