Protecting Civic Space - the Role of Human Rights Defenders and Freedom of Peaceful Assembly: Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting II
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Supplementary Human Dimension Meetings provide a platform for an exchange of views between OSCE participating States, OSCE institutions, international organizations, civil society, and other stakeholders to discuss implementation of specific OSCE commitments in the human dimension.
The second Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting of 2025 will focus on protecting civic space, the role of human rights defenders and freedom of peaceful assembly.
Representatives of the 57 OSCE participating States and OSCE institutions and structures, will be joined by representatives of international organizations, civil society organizations, media and other stakeholders.
The Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting is open to those with relevant experience in the human dimension from the OSCE region.
The Partners for Co-operation are invited to attend and contribute with respect to their co-operation and links with the OSCE in the field.
This meeting will be held in person only.
In order to attend, participants need to register in advance before the deadline indicated below.
Online registration for the conference is open at and will close on Wednesday, 23 April, at 17:00 CET. It is advisable to register well in advance.
To facilitate the timely processing of registrations, it is important that user account information on is both complete and up to date.
To assist with registration, a user guide is available in English and Russian.
Supplementary Human Dimension Meetings are mandated meetings, organized within the framework of the Permanent Council by the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, with support from ODIHR and other OSCE Institutions.
The modalities of the meeting are set out in the decision of the Permanent Council (PC.DEC/476, 23 May 2002).
Interpretation will be provided into the six official OSCE languages: English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Side events
Registered participants are welcome to request a side event slot at between 15 April at 13.00 CET and 17 April at 13.00 CET.
Meeting co-ordination >> Martin Toplišek, Human Dimension Meetings Officer (
Programme enquiries >> Andrew Gardner, Deputy Head, Human Rights Department, ODIHR (
Registration, side events and other queries >>
More information about the event and participation will be published on this webpage in the coming weeks.