10th Ministerial Council
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The Porto Ministerial Council produced a number of important agreements. Among them was the OSCE Charter on Preventing and Combating Terrorism and a decision to hold an Annual Security Review Conference.
The Ministers instructed the Permanent Council and the Forum for Security Co-operation to continue work on developing a comprehensive OSCE strategy to address threats to security and stability in the 21st century.
In the Porto Ministerial Declaration "Responding to Change", ministers committed themselves to working together to protect their peoples from existing and emerging threats to security.
Final Decisions and Declarations
The following final decisions and declarations were adopted at the 10th OSCE Ministerial Council in Porto:
- Porto Ministerial Declaration
- OSCE Charter on preventing and combating terrorism
- Declaration on trafficking in human beings
- Decision on implementing the OSCE commitments and activities on combating terrorism
- Decision on development of an OSCE strategy to address threats to security and stability in the twenty-first century
- Decision on the Annual Security Review Conference
- Decision on reviewing the OSCE role in the field of peacekeeping operations
- Decision on enhancing the role of the OSCE economic and environmental dimension
- Decision on tolerance and non-discrimination
- Decision on election commitments
- Decision on the role of the OSCE Chairmanship-in-Office
- Decision on new premises of the OSCE Secretariat and the Representative on Freedom of the Media
- Decision on the OSCE Chairmanship in the years 2004 and 2005
- Decision on time and place of the next meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council
The full texts of the decisions and declarations can be found in the Final Document of the 10th OSCE Ministerial Council.