9th Ministerial Council
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In the Romanian capital, Ministers adopted the Bucharest Declaration and the Bucharest Plan of Action for Combating Terrorism, which established a framework specifying several new tasks for the OSCE based on a number of UN Security Council resolutions.
Ministers agreed to expand policing activities, resulting in the creation of the Strategic Police Matters Unit and a Senior Police Adviser in the OSCE Secretariat.
The participating States reappointed Ambassador Jan Kubis as Secretary General of the OSCE for another three-year term.
Final Decisions and Declarations
The following final decisions and declarations were adopted at the 9th OSCE Ministerial Council in Bucharest:
- Bucharest Ministerial Declaration
- Decision on combating terrorism and the Bucharest Plan of Action for combating terrorism
- Decision on fostering the role of the OSCE as a forum for political dialogue
- Decision on reviewing further the modalities of the Human Dimension Meetings
- Decision on tolerance and non-discrimination
- Decision on combating trafficking in human beings
- Decision on Roma and Sinti Issues
- Decision on combating violence against women
- Decision on police-related activities
- Decision on the next meeting of the Ministerial Council/Summit
- Decision on the OSCE Chairmanship in the year 2003
- Decision on the Concluding Document of the Negotiations under Article V of Annex 1-B of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Decision on the reappointment by the Ministerial Council of Ambassador Jan Kubis as Secretary General of the OSCE
The full texts of the decisions and declarations can be found in the Final Document of the 9th OSCE Ministerial Council.
News releases
- Human Rights Day: OSCE Chairman calls on states to uphold fundamental freedom when fighting terrorism
- OSCE Ministerial Council adopts broad-ranging action plan to combat terrorism
- OSCE Ministerial Council adopts statement on regional issues
- OSCE Ministers endorse successful negotiation of last section of Dayton/Paris Peace Accords
- OSCE Troika meets with Partners for Co-operation in Bucharest
- OSCE should address root causes of terrorism that are exploited by extremist ideologies