OSCE-led Mobile Training Team trains border officers in Tirana

From 25 to 29 September, the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department, the Mobile Training Team and the OSCE Presence in Albania, conducted an intensive training programme in Tirana, Albania, focusing on behavioural analysis, interviewing techniques, and crisis management. It benefited twenty border and counter-terrorism officers, as well as representatives from the Security and Investigation Academy of the Albanian State Police.
Laureta Spirollari, Director of the Migration Directorate within the Border and Migration Department of the Albanian State Police, endorsed the pilot program. "This training equips us with the tools to successfully detect and identify both perpetrators and victims. I eagerly anticipate the OSCE's continued efforts to organize more of these invaluable training sessions, with the aim of reaching investigators and frontline officers alike. As always, the OSCE has proven to be an exceptional partner in ensuring that the training leaves a lasting impact on the participants, enriching their professional knowledge," she said.
Gertian Brovina, a Senior Investigator from the Counter Terrorism Department of the Albanian State Police, underscored the ever-evolving nature of terrorism. "The dynamic landscape of terrorism necessitates continuous learning, adaptation, and innovation in our counter-terrorism strategies. Therefore, we must promote close cooperation among all frontliners in the fight against terrorism, ultimately contributing to safer communities," he said.
The participants learned how to assess travelers’ behavior at border crossings and identify suspected foreign terrorist fighters, cross-border crimes, as well as victims of such crimes. Through hands-on and scenario exercises, Albanian police officers practiced how to deploy effective interviewing techniques while upholding human rights and refraining from discriminatory profiling. They also discussed strategies to manage potential crises at borders while taking into account the unique needs of women, men, girls, and boys.
The event received funding support from the United States and Germany, which support deployment of the multi-national OSCE-led Mobile Training Team. The Mobile Training Team currently comprises sixteen border and counter-terrorism experts from OSCE participating States and Partners for Co-operation.