Combating crypto-related financial crime focus of OSCE-led training session in Moldova

Cryptocurrencies and other virtual assets can present a wide range of risks, including money laundering, terrorist financing, and fraud. To strengthen Moldova’s crypto-related crime investigation capacities, the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA), in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), gathered 25 representatives from the law enforcement agencies in Chisinau from 6 to 8 November for a targeted training session to foster their expertise in this area.
Training participants became acquainted with advanced techniques and practical skills in the field, including methods for tracing criminal transactions across different blockchains, case studies highlighting real-world scenarios, and best practices from other law enforcement agencies.
“The rise of financial crime involving crypto-assets is a global trend. We’re witnessing an increase in criminal activity leveraging virtual assets, with new methods and obfuscation techniques constantly emerging. As criminals continue to adapt, it’s essential that we stay ahead of the curve by understanding these trends and honing our skills to track and investigate illicit transactions effectively,” said Maksym Mishalov Dragunov, Assistant project Officer at OCEEA.
“Equipping Moldova with the tools and knowledge to investigate complex virtual asset transactions is one of our project’s key objectives and directly feeds into the OSCE’s mission of increasing security across all dimensions,” he added.
The training is part of an OSCE extra-budgetary project on “Innovative policy solutions to mitigate money-laundering risks of virtual assets”, funded by Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, the United Kingdom and the United States. The project supports OSCE participating States in building national capacities to mitigate criminal risks related to virtual assets.