
Misija OEBS-a u Srbiji podržava fondaciju Mreža za sajber bezbednost iz Srbije, u organizovanju nacionalnog takmičenja u sajber bezbednosti za mlade, u sklopu posvećenosti Misije uključivanju mladih u oblast sajber bezbednosti i osnaživanju devojaka da prevaziđu stereotip po kom je sajber bezbednost profesija rezervisana za muškarce, Beograd, 15. maj 2024. godine
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For photographs on the Website that are credited to the OSCE, the OSCE hereby grants you permission to reproduce and/or distribute them without charge under the term and conditions of a Creative Commons Attribution - No Derivative Works license. When reproducing and/or distributing such photo(s), you must credit both the OSCE and the photographer in the following manner: OSCE/photographer's name.
For photographs on the Website that are not credited to the OSCE, you must seek permission to reproduce them from the original photographer or agency, as shown in the photograph credits.