Funding and budget

On 18 August 2021, the OSCE Permanent Council adopted the Organization's Unified Budget for 2021, totalling EUR 138,204,100 (Permanent Council Decision No. 1413).
Staffing and employment
The OSCE employs some 550 people in its various institutions and around 2,330 in its field operations. Locally-contracted employees outnumber international seconded employees by roughly three to one. Seconded staff members are funded by their national administrations. For more information on the various staff categories, please visit the Employment pages.
Internal oversight
To strengthen transparency and accountability within the OSCE, and to prevent waste, fraud, and mismanagement, a team of independent internal and external auditors regularly examines and evaluates the Organization’s activities. In cases of alleged or suspected financial impropriety affecting the Organization, an investigation takes place to establish the facts and report to the Secretary General. All audits, evaluations, and investigations are performed in line with international standards.
Anonymous reports on alleged cases of waste, fraud, or mismanagement can be submitted either by email to or by telephone: +43 1 514 36 6199.