Institutions & Structures

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

Gytis Blaževičius and Elisabeth Regine Myrland of Natur og Ungdom, during the 11th Max van der Stoel Award ceremony, which was celebrated at the Peace Palace in The Hague on 6 November 2024. (OSCE/Arnaud Roelofsz) Photo details
The High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) gets involved in a situation if, in his judgement, there are tensions involving national minorities which could develop into a conflict. Much of the day-to-day work is in identifying and addressing causes of ethnic tensions and conflicts. The High Commissioner addresses the short-term triggers of inter-ethnic tension or conflict and long-term structural concerns. If a participating State is not meeting its political commitments or international norms, the High Commissioner will assist by providing analysis and recommendations. Based on experience, the HCNM publishes thematic Recommendations and Guidelines that give advice on common challenges and best practice. The HCNM also provides structural support through small collaborative projects that aim to achieve sustainability through increasing local ownership.